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Fire Mitigation

Lind Tree Service: Your Firewise Specialists in Colorado Springs

Recall the devastation of the Black Forest Fire and the Waldo Canyon Fire? Residents of Colorado Springs, Monument, Palmer Lake, and Black Forest know all too well the importance of safeguarding homes against such calamities. Many properties suffered during these fires due to insufficient mitigation.

Watch this video from the Black Forest Fire, showcasing a home spared by flames, thanks to proactive mitigation and the relentless efforts of the Colorado Springs Fire Department.

At Lind Tree Service, we specialize in fire mitigation to meet the “firewise” standards, reducing fire fuel through strategic thinning of overcrowded trees. Our objectives are twofold: fostering a thriving ecosystem for your remaining trees and ensuring your forest property stands resilient against potential fires.

How We Champion Firewise Protocols:

  1. Consultation: Engage in detailed discussions about the value of optimal tree spacing and the dangers of ladder fuels – branches that could facilitate fires’ upward spread.
  2. Collaboration: We have partnered with numerous homeowner associations, aligning properties with state firewise programs, ensuring the highest standards of safety.
  3. Area of Service: We serve a wide range of areas including Colorado Springs, Monument, Black Forest, Peyton, Falcon, Woodland Park, Larkspur, Perry Park, and Franktown. Recently, our crew effectively mitigated a sizable lot in Black Forest, and we have visuals to showcase our before and after results.

Got firewise queries? Want to fortify your property against forest fires? Turn to Lind Tree Service, the go-to experts in Colorado Springs and surrounding areas. Call us today!

Pine Trees and Debris

BEFORE: Here you can see lots of brush and scrub oak crowding out the pine trees. These lower fuels act as “ladders” and, in the case of a fire, allow the fire to travel quickly. By removing this extra fuel, you can slow the pace of a fire and give firefighters time to save your home or structure.

Fire Mitigation - AFTER

AFTER: Brush has been removed, pine needles and other debris racked out and removed, defensible space now provided for the homeowner and/or fire fighters.

Black Forest, Colorado - Lot
BEFORE Another picture showing the dense brush and “ladder fuels” crowding out this lot and the pine trees.

Cleaned Up Monument, Colorado Area Lot
AFTER: Ladder fuels removed, debris and lodgepole pine needles cleaned out, trees trimmed upwards of 10 to 15 feet so that lower flames cannot reach the higher branches.

Here is a great video that shows why fire mitigation is so important in Colorado. Steve Schopper, Audio/Visual Specialist for the Colorado Springs Fire Department, thoroughly documented and describes structure protection during the Black Forest Fire in 2013. Steve gives a behind the scenes look at how firefighters can take advantage of proper mitigation in order to save a home. 

Areas in the Colorado Springs area that are at the highest risk include Woodmoor, Black Forest, and Palmer Lake. For a free mitigation estimate, please contact Bob Lind at (719) 649-2133 or request a quote or consultation 

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